
...the team

Muad                   Author / Main Programmer           atreides.muaddib@caramail.com
McLeod              Core and GS plugin programming  mcleod2032@yahoo.com Asadr                  Plugins Developer                          asadr@mail.com
ShadowPrince     Misc Programming                        shadow@emulation64.com
Pofis                    Misc Programming                        pofis@portugalmail.pt
SculleatR            Misc and DI8 plugin programming sculleatr@emulation64.com Bositman             Betatester                                     thanoskalligeris1@hotmail.com Myth                   Web site designer/maintainer         what_daa@hotmail.com

If you want to contribute to the emulator in some way,please don't hesitate to 
contact us.Currently we need badly plugin developers for input , gfx and sound.

...the beginning

In the beginning of August, I read the DVD of ICO with my PC ( I really love this game ) and I found a file - don't remember exactly the name - wich contain the source in assembler of the game. I started to study this file. I cleaned some comment. I started to write a interpreter in REBOL - a great very easy language but very slow - .
To go faster, I rewrite the interperter in C.
This program read each line and interprete the opcode already dissambler.
After some succes , I decide to rewrite the entire interprter with a dissambler.
I restart from scratch 2 or 3 times because of bad initial solutions. I chose QNX because the help is VERY well done.
Finally I made an interprter wich seems to run. nSX2 was born.

...the emu

I decide to release this emu under the GNU license.
I try to make a portable emulator.
I want to create a community of people who can help me in developing this emu.
If you see the source, I use only standard C for better compatibility with other OS.
I chose gcc and the SDL lib for the same reasons.

I'm trying to make a clean code ( and sometimes commented ) so if you make change try to comment your changes.
If you are very interested in developing this emu and if you don't understand what I did, mail me I'll try to explain.


For info, French is my natural language.
I have a work so I can't spend all my time on this emu but all my free time is for this project.
You can read an interview of me Here done by Ben-J of Consollection.

You can contact me : atreides.muaddib@caramail.com